Our Services We Are International Cargo Services

Customs Clearance

Customs clearance is a mandatory process when shipping internationally – whether you choose air or sea freight. The shipper has to obtain the export clearance before the cargo can leave the port or airport of origin. Upon arrival at the destination country, import clearance is required before the freight can be delivered to the consignee.

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For SMEs engaged in international trade, shipping typically generates a large proportion of overall business costs. It is understandable then, that the extra expense of cargo insurance can seem a costly addition that's rarely likely to offer returns.

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Cargo Express

Shipping internationally can be an overwhelming experience, but luckily, there are freight forwarders offering different service and movement types to suit the needs and preferences of different importers or exporters.

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Ocean Freight

A headache-free ocean freight forwarding solution with fast online quotes, tools that simplify your shipping and the resources to get your freight on the water fast.

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The process of shipping your cargo from one country to another can become lengthy because of the various steps involved in ocean or air freight. Because of this, it involves a lot of waiting both on the shipper and buyer’s ends.

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Air Freight

Air freight is the quickest method of international freight shipping, but can still take a few days because of the need for export and import customs clearance. It takes even longer if you have to wait around for air freight forwarders to send you their quotes.

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Contact us now to get quote for all your global shipping needs.