Logistics Secure & Reliable

The process of shipping your cargo from one country to another can become lengthy because of the various steps involved in ocean or air freight. Because of this, it involves a lot of waiting both on the shipper and buyer’s ends.

The waiting time can bring all sorts of worries or concerns about what’s happening to your cargo. But thanks to Agility Postal’s cargo tracking feature, you can stay informed and updated about the shipping process from the comfort of your device! Learn more about our cargo tracking feature in this article.

Online Live Cargo Tracking

Agility Postal’s digital platform offers a wide range of features and services for the benefit of shippers. One of the most sought-after is our online live cargo tracking. This feature allows users to keep an eye on their cargo and identify where it is in the shipping process in real-time.

Our cargo tracking feature is accessible online and provides an accurate update on the progress of your shipment. It works the same way as small-scale courier shipping trackers, where you can follow the shipping process and determine what’s happening with your cargo.

All this is available in an organized dashboard that allows you to manage, view, and track all your shipments. Thanks to this feature, you are always in the loop and are aware of the progress of your shipment. Your waiting time will be more seamless, productive, and bearable thanks to Agility Postal’s online live cargo tracking feature.

The Inconvenience of Cargo Shipping with Traditional Freight Forwarders

Until the Agility Postal digital-first solution in cargo shipping, traditional freight forwarders have always been the last to jump on technological and digital innovations. Up to today, the standard and unmodernized processes are still being practiced by traditional freight forwarders — from how to book shipments all the way to receiving them in the port or airport of destination.

These traditional practices can be an inconvenience to people who have gotten so used to the digital and connected future. Tracking your cargo shipment with traditional freight forwarders is a difficult venture. Shippers often have no information about the progress of their shipment until their notify party gets a call that the cargo has arrived.

If shippers wanted to get information about their cargo and where it is in the shipping process, they would need to call the service hotline of their chosen freight forwarder and ask for accurate information. But this can be a hassle, not to mention a time-consuming effort.

The good news is that there are modern freight forwarders, such as Agility Postal, that provide future and digital-first solutions to make the shipping process more convenient, easy, and stress-free for shippers all around the globe. Our cargo tracking feature is part of a vast digital platform that makes shipping accessible with a few clicks.

Cargo Tracking with a Digital Freight Forwarder

Agility Postal has rewritten the standards for freight forwarding services, offering the functions and benefits of traditional freight forwarders but with the utmost convenience of modern technology.

Every part of the shipping process, from requesting a quote to receiving the cargo in the destination port, can be managed and controlled in our easy-to-use and comprehensive digital platform. Among the things you can do include:

The cargo tracking feature in our digital platform is one of the most-used and most preferred by our users. Through a simplified dashboard, shippers can easily select a shipment and track its progress with information and locations updated in real-time. With this information, they become more confident in their shipping process and are always kept in the loop with the progress of their shipment.

The cargo tracking feature, as well as other functions of the digital platform as mentioned above, are all accessible online. This saves you time, effort, and resources and makes things more convenient for you as a shipper.

Say goodbye to traditional phone calls, long hold times, and hassle with Agility Postal’s online, digital platform. Begin, settle, manage, track, and complete your shipment with ease and confidence. Get started with Agility Postal today.